Developing a love of reading in our children is a team effort.  As parents you can encourage a love of reading by utilizing some of the tips below:

1.  Read books to your child that you loved as a child. 

Seeing you excited about a book will automatically make your child excited about the book as well. 

2.  Talk about the book as you read it together.

Asking questions about the characters, setting and plot as you read ensures that your child comprehends the story.

3.  Have a scheduled daily read aloud time or silent reading time.

Reading before bed is not only a great way to wind down, but is also an easy way to squeeze in a consistent daily reading time.

4. Visit the local public libraries.

Exploring a library or bookstore is a great way to expose children to new literature. 

5. Expose your child to different types of books.

Many children love fiction stories; however, exposing them to nonfiction texts, biographies, graphic novels, magazines, cookbooks and more .